About Us

About RU2T

November 1, 2023

Hello Friends!

As the autumn leaves turn golden, Rise Up 2 Thrive finds itself at a pivotal moment as Domestic Violence Awareness month is wrapping up. It is a time to not only educate and raise awareness but provide the opportunity to offer support and strength for victims of domestic violence. October also serves as a time to celebrate our progress and connect with others working to create change. We have learned so much over the past year and continue to be surprised and delighted with the support that Valley County has extended. We just wrapped up our 2nd Annual Fighting for Change event in Cascade and are so grateful to everyone that showed up and supported our cause. From the volunteers who ran the show and the people who gave of their time for the event planning, to our generous donors for the raffle, silent, and live auction items, our sponsors, the incredible music and the beautiful venue, the list just goes on and on… we want to say thank you! RU2T just celebrated one year of providing a record number of services within our Valley County community. Over the last 12 months we have worked with more than 140 individuals that have been affected by violence, assisted in eighteen domestic violence/sexual assault exams, accompanied numerous civil and criminal cases and twenty outreach events educating numerous community members and friends.

Most individuals don’t realize how domestic violence affects the lives of those experiencing it. They don’t understand the stigma and challenges that accompany this type of abuse. Contacting RU2T is often the most challenging step that victims will take when they have made the choice to leave a violent relationship. We know that this is the most dangerous time for them and their families because they have identified the abuse and brought an outside party into the midst of a “private” issue. Understanding the dynamics of domestic violence is critical when collaborating with a client that is in crisis so that appropriate assistance can be provided. Often the victim shows a wide range of emotions like someone grieving and we attempt to return a sense of normalcy back into their lives with our services.

Because you have supported us and given us confidence, we are so excited to announce that we will be moving into a new space in Cascade that will be ideal for victims, their children, our community, law enforcement, and other key partners. This space will serve many purposes outlined below:

• We will have an inviting playroom for children to feel safe while their parent is able to share their story and needs. This allows for the parents to openly communicate and express emotions without exposing the children to any more traumatic experiences or conversations.

• Having a working kitchen will provide a means to prepare emergency food

• More space will help us store clothing, personal hygiene items and blankets which are often needed because victims must leave without their personal belongings.

• The space will allow for law enforcement to interview the victim in a safe space away from their home

• We will be able to facilitate and provide training for the victims, their families, and the offenders

• We hope to create a library of information and resources

• Most importantly we will have a comfortable, safe place for victims and their children to be housed while determining next steps for managing their situations.

We are always looking for volunteers, so if you want to be a part of making a change in your community, please reach out to us. Raising your voice against domestic violence, speaking up, offering a helping hand to those in need is how we fulfill our mission statement of being committed to inspiring change, so we can support a thriving, respectful community. Together, we can create a safer world by breaking the cycle of abuse!


Civil Rights Complaint Procedures

 Rise Up 2 Thrive (RU2T) prohibits any discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability and age.

 RU2T has adopted the civil rights complaint procedures so that individuals can file complaints against RU2T under following statutes and regulations, which collectively prohibit discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity (as defined in paragraph 249(c)(4) of title 18, United States Code), sexual orientation, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination.

 The complaint form is available on the ICDVVA website at:


 Procedure for filing a complaint against RU2T, from a client, customer, program participant, applicant or consumer:

 1. Complaints may be filed with the ICDVVA verbally, in writing, or by telephone.

 2. The complaint will state the date, place, and nature of the discriminatory action and will specify the remedy sought by the complainant.

 3. The complaint should be filed with: Executive Director, Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance P.O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720‐0036.

• The complaint must include the following information:

a. Name, address and telephone number of the complainant.

b. The victim or other witness of the alleged discrimination, if it is someone other than the complainant.

c. The basis for the complaint: (1) discrimination in services based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, or age, or

(2) retaliation for engaging in protected activity.

d. The date of alleged discriminatory or retaliatory conduct.

e. The name and title of the person who is alleged to have engaged in the discriminatory conduct.

f. The complaint must be in writing, dated, and signed by the complainant.

4. Complaints should be filed within 180 days after the alleged discriminatory action has taken place. (This time limit may be extended by the Executive Director based on reasonable evidence that

180 days is not sufficient or if the complaint alleges a violation of VOCA.)

5. The complaint may be filed by either the complainant or a designated representative. Complaints may also be filed anonymously.

Confidentiality will be protected to the extent possible in investigating the complaint.

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Many Thanks from RU2T

Back County Boutique
Cascade Medical Center
Dix Brown Trust
Donnelly Area Chamber of Commerce
H&H Towing
Iron Woman Construction
Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation
Mountain Central Association of Realtors
Payette Lakes Progressive Club
RE/MAX Resort Realty
Stibnite Foundation
St Luke’s: Community Health Improvement Fund
The Friends of Kelly Whitewater Park
The Roxy Theater
Valley County for granting Opioid Funding

St Lukes: Community Health Improvement Fund


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Kacie Bracht
Executive Director
Everyone Knows someone and domestic/sexual violence is not stopping so either am I. We all have stories, whether it is your story, a sister’s story, or a friend’s story. Domestic and Sexual violence will impact each one of us in our lifetime. I have had the opportunity in providing support services to survivors for the last 15 years. I started out by working to educate the public to promote a community that are free from violence, but soon after, I began working directly with victims/survivors and that is where I found my passion. It’s an honor to be serving as the Executive Director for RiseUp2Thrive while supporting individuals that are still living with abuse, have left and those that are survivors. Sometimes we get used to our comfortable standard of living and forget that there are so many others that are struggling with violence in their home. Did you know that on average, women experience 35 incidents of violence before reporting it to Law Enforcement or before seeking services? And that each day in Idaho approximately 670 survivors and their children seek safety and services from community based programs. Idaho’s response to domestic violence can be improved by investing in community-based victim service agencies, and creating practices that will directly connect individuals to local services. RiseUp2Thrive will be providing many of those critical services within beautiful Valley County, Id and its surrounding areas. Domestic violence can be one of the most difficult things to talk about, but it is up to us to start conversations around these issues, because the more we choose not to talk about it, the more power we give to the abuser. Let’s talk!
Kacie Bracht
Kacie Bracht
Executive Director
Everyone Knows someone and domestic/sexual violence is not stopping so either am I. We all have stories, whether it is your story, a sister’s story, or a friend’s story. Domestic and Sexual violence will impact each one of us in our lifetime. I have had the opportunity in providing support services to survivors for the last 15 years. I started out by working to educate the public to promote a community that are free from violence, but soon after, I began working directly with victims/survivors and that is where I found my passion. It’s an honor to be serving as the Executive Director for RiseUp2Thrive while supporting individuals that are still living with abuse, have left and those that are survivors. Sometimes we get used to our comfortable standard of living and forget that there are so many others that are struggling with violence in their home. Did you know that on average, women experience 35 incidents of violence before reporting it to Law Enforcement or before seeking services? And that each day in Idaho approximately 670 survivors and their children seek safety and services from community based programs. Idaho’s response to domestic violence can be improved by investing in community-based victim service agencies, and creating practices that will directly connect individuals to local services. RiseUp2Thrive will be providing many of those critical services within beautiful Valley County, Id and its surrounding areas. Domestic violence can be one of the most difficult things to talk about, but it is up to us to start conversations around these issues, because the more we choose not to talk about it, the more power we give to the abuser. Let’s talk!
Kacie Bracht
Kasey Bracht
Victim Advocate/Executive Director
 Everyone Knows someone and domestic/sexual violence is not stopping so either am I. We all have stories, whether it is your story, a sister’s story, or a friend’s story. Domestic and Sexual violence will impact each one of us in our lifetime.
 I have had the opportunity in providing support services to survivors for the last 15 years. I started out by working to educate the public to promote a community that are free from violence, but soon after, I began working directly with victims/survivors and that is where I found my passion. It’s an honor to be serving as the Executive Director for RiseUp2Thrive while supporting individuals that are still living with abuse, have left and those that are survivors.
 Sometimes we get used to our comfortable standard of living and forget that there are so many others that are struggling with violence in their home. Did you know that on average, women experience 35 incidents of violence before reporting it to Law Enforcement or before seeking services? And that each day in Idaho approximately 670 survivors and their children seek safety and services from community based programs.
 Idaho’s response to domestic violence can be improved by investing in community-based victim service agencies, and creating practices that will directly connect individuals to local services. RiseUp2Thrive will be providing many of those critical services within beautiful Valley County, Id and its surrounding areas.
 Domestic violence can be one of the most difficult things to talk about, but it is up to us to start conversations around these issues, because the more we choose not to talk about it, the more power we give to the abuser.
Let’s talk!
Kacie Bracht
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150 West Roseberry Road, Donnelly, Idaho 83615

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